

Denninger Straße 169 • 81925 München
T +49 (0) 89/59 90 80-0


Dr. Michael Schramm


Dr. Michael Schramm

Attorney at Law
Certified IP Lawyer
European Patent Attorney
UPC Representative

Primary Practice

His patent attorney and attorney at law experience comprises all matters of industrial property law with a focus on the field of technical industrial property rights and contracts.

Michael Schramm is doubly qualified both as an attorney at law and as a European Patent Attorney, and as a result has particular expertise in the fields in which law and technology come into contact. His activity comprises in particular consulting and litigation in patent cases before civil courts, in nullity proceedings before the Federal Patent Court and the Federal Supreme Court and opposition proceedings before the competent patent offices. This also includes due diligence examinations in the field of industrial property law and freedom-to-operate opinions. Among the other clients, he represents a leading automotive parts supplier, a leading wind turbine manufacturer and a major enterprise in the field of telecommunications in adversarial patent proceedings.

A further point of specialisation is advising on contractual issues, in particular in connection with license, software and R&D contracts. His clients here are above all small and medium-sized enterprises, together with clients from the public sector in the field of software contracts.


Since 2016, Michael was named one of the World’s leading Patent Professionals by IAM Patent 1000. The researchers mentioned in that respect: Clients of 2s-ip Schramm Schneider have been “really impressed” by Michael Schramm’s “extremely pragmatic approach, responsiveness and solution-oriented outlook, and by how easy it is to work with him. He is excellent”.

Beside his work as an attorney, Michael is engaged in the German Physical Society (DPG). In honour for his engagement for its structural reform, the Society awarded him the Badge of Honour (Ehrennadel) in 2014.

Professional Experience

Founding of the firm Bettinger Schneider Schramm, the legal predecessor of today’s law firm 2s-ip Schramm Schneider Bertagnoll in Munich

Attorney at Law with Bardehle Pagenberg Dost Altenburg Geissler in Munich

Attorney at Law with Grünecker Kinkeldey Stockmair & Schwanhäusser in Munich

National Intellectual Property Law Institute, Washington DC, USA

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, USA

Hahn-Meitner-Institut für Kernforschung (HMI), Berlin
(today: Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin – HZB)


Admitted as European Patent Attorney

Admitted as Attorney at Law (Munich)

Legal Studies at the Free University of Berlin

Ph.D., thesis in nuclear spectroscopy: “Plain Shell Model States in 208Pb” (Free University of Berlin)

Diploma in Physics (University of Erlangen-Nürnberg)


  • Deutsch Amerikanische Juristenvereinigung (DAJV)
    (German American Lawyers Association)
  • Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft – (German Physical Society – DPG) – Advisory Board (Vorstandsrat) from 2000 to 2006 and 2018 to 2021; Arbeitskreis Industrie und Wirtschaft (Working Group Industry and Business)
  • European Patent Lawyers Association (EPLAW)
  • European Patent Litigators Association (EPLIT)
  • Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht (GRUR)
    (Association for Industrial Property and Copyright)
  • Licencing Executives Society (LES)
  • Vereinigung von Fachleuten im gewerblichen Rechtsschutz (VPP)
    (Association of People in Industrial Property)


German, English
